Editor性视界传媒檚 note: This column originally was published in October 2018.
QUESTION: There was a story this week about an apartment fire in Longview, and there were pictures showing the firefighters fighting the fire. I noticed their helmets are different colors. Are these color-coded by job responsibility or rank or something?
ANSWER: Yes they are. I spoke to Fire Marshal Kevin May, who explained that the multi-colored helmets help firefighters identify someone across an area where they性视界传媒檙e fighting a fire.
性视界传媒淭he different color helmets signify the different rank structure of the fire department,性视界传媒 he said. White is for a chief; red is for a company officer as assigned to the various stations; drivers wear yellow; and firefighters wear black helmets.
Q: Whose responsibility is it to clean up after a wreck? I性视界传媒檝e sometimes noticed car parts and debris remaining in an area for weeks after a wreck has occurred.
A: We have a state law for that, in the Texas Transportation Code.
It says that whoever removes a vehicle after a wreck is responsible for the cleanup.
性视界传媒淚t typically ends up falling on the wreck service,性视界传媒 said Longview Police spokesman Lt. Shane McCarter.
If you see debris left on a road after a wreck, though, you can call the police department性视界传媒檚 non-emergency number to report it at (903) 237-1199. Officers can assess how to handle the situation, McCarter said.
Q: Does President Donald Trump get the regular presidential salary or did he agree to take less money?
A: He性视界传媒檚 paid the regular $400,000 salary, but so far he性视界传媒檚 been donating it to various organizations. For instance, earlier this month, the White House announced he was giving his second quarter salary to the U.S. Small 性视界传媒 Administration for a veterans program called Emerging Leaders. It性视界传媒檚 supposed to help veterans as they transition to civilian life. In the time since he性视界传媒檚 been in office, he性视界传媒檚 donated his salary to Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, Transportation, the National Park Service and the education department, according to news reports I found.