Marriage license

Marriage licenses filed from Dec. 23-27 in the Gregg County ClerkÐÔÊӽ紫ý™s Office:

Robert Eugene Hayes and Robyn Rowden Pickering

Thomas Mitchell Jones and Tammy Saiz

Jose Osvaldo Soria Vieyra and Ma De Las Nieves Calvillo Lira

Hayden Shane Sharp and Elisa Bianca Jones

Landon Thomas Bennett and Kara Lynn Zihlman

Trever Rance Barker and Andrea Nichole Presley

Robert Joe Powell and Bethaney Ann Robertson

Enrique Montes Salinas and Rosalba Vallejo Marquez

Mark David Spyhalski and Cassidy Brooke Long

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Jeramyah Trevion Poole and Traci Rachelle Smith

Jason Shaun Jones and Carla Ann Whitley

Micheal Lee Starr and Charlotte Patricia Pabst

Mauricio Christian Zambrano Ramirez and Ingrid Naileah Briseno

Shawn Michael Davis and April Suzette Sancho Aspiras

Garrett Heath Brown and Korie Renee O'Quinn

Cameron Dewayne Adair and Trista Marie Broome

Gabriel Gonzalez and Cristina Monserrat Cruz Castillo

Arianna Renee Fuentez and Shaudralyn Denise Oliver

Zaul Reyes Zavala and Berenice Adriana RivasÂ