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Foster: In appreciation of Jimmy Carter

John Foster

Former President Jimmy Carter was laid to rest in his hometown of Plains, Georgia, next to his beloved wife of 77 years, Rosalynn. Theirs was a love story for the ages.

Those of us of a certain age can recall the turbulent 1970s with the end of the war in Vietnam where I served a tour in the U.S. Army. Then the Watergate scandal transfixed the nation and ultimately led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. His successor, Gerald Ford, was a decent man who couldn性视界传媒檛 shed the Watergate legacy and lost the 1976 election to Carter.

I never met Carter, but I was present at his inauguration on a cold and sunny day in the nation性视界传媒檚 capital. I was working as publications director for Missouri Military Academy covering the school性视界传媒檚 marching band and drill team performing in the parade.

Carter set the tone for his administration of the people by exiting the limousine and walking the last mile to the White House with Rosalynn. He grew up as a peanut farmer who entered Georgia politics and was elected governor after serving as a state senator. He never forgot his roots, much as President Harry Truman always said he knew where he came from and where he would return after serving in the White House.

Carter性视界传媒檚 administration was marked by triumphs and tragedy. His most noteworthy achievement was brokering the Camp David peace accord that was signed by Israeli and Egyptian leaders. After years of war, those two nations have kept the peace for nearly 50 years even as fighting now engulfs the Middle East with no settlement in sight.

His biggest disappointment was failing to secure the release of 52 Americans taken hostage in Iran in 1979. He ordered a rescue mission that failed, as did negotiations through other nations. Carter could have ordered a massive military strike to bring Iran to its knees, but his major concern was the lives of hostages.

The hostages were finally released the day that Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, but it was widely reported at the time that Reagan made a deal with Iran to not free the hostages to help his election efforts.

Carter性视界传媒檚 four years in office was followed by a remarkable post presidency that lasted nearly 44 years. He established the Carter Presidential Center that became the model for other post presidencies. The center worked to eradicate prevalent diseases in Africa and monitored free elections across the globe to promote democracy.

Jimmy and Rosalynn also were longtime volunteers for Habitat for Humanity and were frequently photographed working at construction sites. And all the while he continued to teach a Sunday Bible study class in his hometown Baptist church.

Despite Donald Trump calling Carter the nation性视界传媒檚 worst president, he now ranks in the middle range of unbiased historians性视界传媒 rankings. As of 2021, Carter is ranked in a report by C-Span as 26th of the 44 presidents that includes two separate terms for Grover Cleveland. Meanwhile, Trump is ranked third from last in a tie for 41st place.

His conviction for sexual assault and 34 felony counts may not have factored in the rankings since they occurred after 2021, but his two impeachments probably will. Ironically, Trump is due in court today to hear the judge性视界传媒檚 sentencing on those felony convictions, although he will be spared any jail time.

At the rate of his post-election bumbling, Trump is likely to fall even further in the rankings. Aided by his pal Elon Musk, Trump is creating chaos in Congress that already is beset by internal factions in the Republican Party. Even with Trump性视界传媒檚 ardent lobbying, the GOP speaker was elected by a one-vote margin.

As mentioned in a previous column, the Trump clown show started with the Matt Gaetz nomination for attorney general that was shamed into withdrawal even before hearings began. The Senate now is scheduling hearings for his loyalist nominees, so expect some unflattering details to emerge.

Republicans have the votes to confirm them, but it probably depends how badly they性视界传媒檙e willing to hold their noses over the stink.

— John D. Foster is a Carthage resident and regular contributor. Email: jandmfoster@yahoo.com.