I glanced at the magazines on the rack, and there she was, Martha Stewart, promising the 性视界传媒淏est Thanksgiving Ever.性视界传媒 She was offering a perfect piece of pie while smiling a perfect smile with perfect teeth, wearing a perfect dress with perfect hair, surrounded by a perfect kitchen with an open window that looked out on a perfect garden. Every wrinkle and excess pound had been photo-shopped away so that she looked decades younger than her actual age.

Unlike Martha, when we sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, we showed up with wrinkles, warts and all. We looked our age. The kitchen was a mess with spilled flour on the cabinet and a sink full of dirty dishes. The food, of course, was great because my wife is a great cook: baked turkey, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, her famous dressing passed down from her mother, green beans, fruit salad, cranberry sauce. Best of all, the pecan pie my granddaughter helps bake using a recipe passed down from my mother!

But it occurred to me, when I saw Martha Stewart性视界传媒檚 magazine, that Thanksgiving isn性视界传媒檛 about the food or the perfect picture. Real Thanksgiving is about the heart. It is difficult for a heart that is not thankful every day to be truly thankful on Thanksgiving Day.

Which brings up a concern about Thanksgiving. Our tradition of gathering around bountiful tables with family and friends seems more like a brief interruption to the more important business of shopping. We can hardly push back from the table fast enough to hit the stores for Black Friday door busters that start on Thursday.

Apparently the earliest 性视界传媒淏lack Fridays性视界传媒 took place in Philadelphia in the 1950s when hordes of shoppers descended on local stores ahead of the Army/Navy football game. The national push started in the 1960s. It gained momentum and became a well-fixed tradition by the 21st century. While most stores still remain closed on Thursday, others throw open their doors on Thanksgiving. Black Friday has become a five-day marathon including Cyber Monday.

Our forefathers knew nothing of this. They hunted and harvested and cleaned and cooked, but they never stood in lines in front of glass doors waiting for the opening bell. They never rushed through aisles searching for treasures that were sure to disappear. They never stood in check-out lines that stretched to the back of the store. They had it easy. I relent, however, when I see how happy my grandchildren are to go shopping with their grandmother.

Nevertheless, I am nostalgic for the traditional American Thanksgiving we knew when I was a child. All the stores were closed. Workers spent the day with their families. No one had to shop for presents or send cards. All we had to do was enjoy getting together with those we love and be thankful.

I hope this holiday season we cultivate a thankful heart and grateful spirit and take time to truly 性视界传媒渂e性视界传媒 with family and friends so that this is 性视界传媒渢he best Thanksgiving ever性视界传媒 (Colossians 3:15).

— Bill Tinsley reflects on current events and life experience from a faith perspective. For more info visit . Email bill@tinsleycenter.com.