Q<em style="bold">UESTION: </em>I, along with a lot of other Braum's fans, were happy to hear that they are finally going to put a store in Longview. The newspaper article was a little vague as to the location, indicating only that there has been a zoning change near Good Shepherd for the location. Could you be more specific and pinpoint the exact location? I would appreciate it.
ANSWER: I don't have an exact location yet because the company hasn't filed its plans with the city.
What I know is what the News-Journal reported, which is that the rezoning recently approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission was for property on the northeast corner of Marshall Avenue at Seventh Street. Information from the city of Longview said the restaurant would be located somewhere in the area of 1001, 1005 and 1009 East Marshall Avenue.
An insurance office now is at 1001; a tire store is at 1005; and the recently closed Kerns Bake Shop is at 1009 E. Marshall Ave.
Braum's hasn't provided any details, but because there are three buildings at those addresses, I'm guessing something would have to be demolished. Texana Bank is across the street on Marshall Avenue.
When I spoke to a Braum's spokesman recently he couldn't provide any further details ÐÔÊӽ紫ý” including confirmation that the company plans a restaurant here, where it would be located, whether the property already had been purchased, a timeline or specifically how the company had solved the issue that had kept it from coming here all along. That is this: Braum's has kept its restaurants in about a 300-mile radius from its processing plant and distribution center in Tuttle, Oklahoma.
Q: Finally found out how to go to the Gladewater crime map ÐÔÊӽ紫ý” the link in the News-Journal didn't work ÐÔÊӽ紫ý” but if you go to Gladewater Police Department website, the link is there to use.
Does the Longview Police Department have a similar thing? There was a lot of police activity on our block last month at a house down the street, but when I called the police department to inquire what it was, they said they were not at liberty to discuss the infraction. It would be nice to know what is going on on our block.
A: That News-Journal link has now been fixed, but, to stay on topic, yes, the Longview Police Department does have an interactive online crime map. It's pretty neat. If gives you the opportunity to receive notifications of crimes in an area you select. You'll find the map and instructions about how to use it at .
Q: Is there a place in Longview where you can recycle shoes that are too far gone to be passed on to someone else?
A: I know of at least one source in Longview. Hope's Closet, a resale store run by the Women's Center of East Texas, sends unusable clothing and shoes to a recycler. Just let the staff person know when you're dropping items off that they're to be recycled. Hope's Closet has two locations in Longview: one at 1011 Wal St., Suite 100, and one at 2409 Gilmer Road.
— Answer Line appears Thursday and Saturday. Email questions to answerline@news-journal.com, leave a message at (903) 232-7208 or write to P.O. Box 1792, Longview, TX 75606.